
Viva Magenta: The 10 most fashionable manicures of the primary color of 2023 according to Pantone

Beautiful manicure ideas in magenta.

Today the Pantone Color Institute has named the color of 2023 Viva Magenta. It’s a beautiful and slightly muted shade of red that is uplifting and optimistic. Manicure lovers have known about this color for a long time – magenta has won the hearts of nail bloggers. If you’re also inspired by this color, here are the best nail design ideas.

Rio Minak

Written by Rio Minak

Hey there! Any tech enthusiasts out there? I’m all about coding and gadgets, but you know what? I’m also really into skincare! It’s like exploring new frontiers. Interested in learning about skincare and tech with me? I’m sharing everything right here!

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